*Not her real name Let’s talk blood. I can’t donate mine, thanks to a stint living in the U.K. Mad cow precautions, they say. Serious stuff, I know, but when my daughters were little, it was always good for a laugh. Their dad—me—would launch into a low moo, then louder and higher moos, until I… Continue reading
Post Category → Fine Whine
Nobody likes a whiner, but there’s something oddly satisfying about sharing a little bit of life’s miseries with others. It’s not about wallowing—it’s about airing out the laundry, shaking out the wrinkles, and maybe finding someone who’ll laugh along with you.
Turns Out Mamas & the Papas Got It Wrong
Monday, Monday. Can’t trust that day, they warned, when it was really Wednesday I should’ve been watching out for. I remember the moment the plot twist hit: there I was, flat on my back in bed, staring at the ceiling, barely able to move, mumbling bits of prayer like they were going out of style…. Continue reading
The Day My Foolproof Anti-Aging Strategy Hit a Midlife Crisis
It seems a bit silly now, upon retrospect, but I came up with this cunning little strategy to combat aging. Not a full-blown master plan, mind you, but more of a casual hypothesis, the sort of thing you come up with people-watching while eating a sandwich on a park bench. Probably be a bestseller once… Continue reading